福州大学“嘉锡讲坛”第666期讲座 —— 《Boranes and Frustrated Lewis Pairs: Searching for New Reactions》2024年10月17日(周四)15:00-17:30在福州大学国家大学科技园阳光科技楼一楼报告厅,主讲嘉宾:Gerhard Erker教授。欢迎广大同学前往听讲,听取讲座可获一定学分,具体办法附后。听讲前同学应先登录教务处“本科教学系统”,然后点击“各类报名”→“嘉锡讲坛”进行网上报名。网上报名时间从2024年9月19日12点00分 —— 10月17日12点00分。
主讲嘉宾简介:Erker, Gerhard, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. * 1946
Organisch-Chemisches Institut, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, Germany
1966 -1970 studied chemistry at the Universities Köln and Bochum
1973 Dr. rer. nat., Ruhr-Universität Bochum (W. R. Roth)
1974 -1975 Postdoctoral fellow (DFG-Stipendiat) at Princeton University, USA, with Maitland Jones, Jr.
1981 Habilitation, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Organic Chemistry)
1984 -1985 Heisenberg-Fellow, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim
1985 -1990 Universitätsprofessor C3, Organic Chemistry, Universität Würzburg
1990 -2015 Universitätsprofessor C4/W3, WWU Münster
2015 -2022 Seniorprofessor at the WWU Münster
讲座介绍:The talk will focus on some selected recent advances in main group element chemistry. The unusual reactions of “frustrated Lewis pairs” (FLPs) are presented and discussed. These pairs are, for instance, composed of phosphane/borane combinations whose molecular design effectively hinders them to undergo the usual neutralization reaction by Lewis adduct formation. FLPs may undergo metal reminiscent small molecule activation reactions – this is illustrated by their heterolytic dihydrogen splitting ability and use in metal-free catalytic hydrogenation. A variety of additional FLP small molecule reactions will be presented. In addition, some specially designed borane reactions will be discussed, including selective borole and borapyramidane formation.
第一章 总 则
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听讲座次数 |
1至3次 |
4至7次 |
8至11次 |
12至15次 |
16次及以上 |
获学分数 |
0 |
0.5 |
1.0 |
1.5 |
2.0 |
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第三章 讲座学分认定程序
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第四章 附 则
第九条 本办法从二○一二年五月二十日起开始执行。
第十条 本办法由教务处负责解释。